Homerville Main Street follows the Georgia Main Street and Main Street America four-point approach which is proven to be most effective in places where community residents have a strong emotional, social, and civic connection and are motivated to get involved and make a difference. Throughout the country, both small-city downtowns and urban neighborhoods are renewing their community centers with Main Street methodology.


    Design means getting downtown into top physical shape and creating a safe, inviting environment for shoppers, workers, and visitors. Downtown Homerville underwent an $880,000 streetscape project funded by the Georgia DOT Transportation Enhancement Grant. Empire Plaza was created during the project and is located in the heart of downtown. Empire Plaza includes a limestone fountain surrounded by over 900 commemorative engraved brick pavers, benches, additional parking, landscaping, an integrated sound system, and more. Empire Plaza won the 2012 Georgia Downtown Association's Creative Problem Solving Award.

    More recently, Downtown Homerville is recipients of an RSVP Master Plan from the Carl Vinson Institute of Government from the University of Georgia. The design can be used as a tool to continue improve the aesthetic of downtown.


    Promotion takes many forms, but the goal is to create a positive image that will rekindle community pride and improve consumer and investor confidence in the commercial district.

    Promotions and events showcase Homerville’s unique characteristics, business establishments to shoppers, investors, potential business and property owners, and visitors. Since 2006, the Homerville Main Street Program's main event is our annual Christmas celebration-Homerville for the Holidays. We collaborate to bring unique cultural experiences to the community and to the school system.

    Showcasing our community and local businesses may be why Homerville was recognized in the 2012 Georgia Travel Guide as one of Georgia's great small towns.

    In addition to spearheading specific campaigns and planning local events, Homerville Main Street Program works to create marketing materials to promote our community as a whole.


    Putting together pieces of the economic development puzzle is a daunting task. Homerville Main Street Program is here to help by strengthening our community's existing economic assets and diversifying our economic base. Homerville Main Street Program works with small business owners, potential entrepreneurs, and local officials to navigate funding options and tax incentives, provide training opportunities, and disseminate relevant information.

    Homerville Main Street Program and the Clinch County Chamber of Commerce host Small Business Development Courses locally. If you have ever dreamed of being your own boss, want to increase your income, have a home-based business you want to grow contact us TODAY!


    A strong organizational foundation is key for a sustainable Main Street revitalization effort. This can take many forms, from a standalone nonprofit organization, to a program housed in a municipality or existing community development entity. Regardless of the organizational type, the focus is on ensuring that all organizational resources (partners, funding, volunteers, etc.) are mobilized to effectively implement the Community Transformative Strategies.

Main Street Work Plan

Work plans serve as an important tool to help guide the projects and scope of work for the Main Street program. A well developed work plan should help focus on what’s important, measure impact, and create accountability. So much of what happens to revitalize a downtown district originates from this planning process. Having a well developed, shared work plan can help to grow city support and solidify the role the Main Street Program plays in downtown development.